2013 Annual Spring Meeting
Official Event Notice: 2013 Annual Spring Meeting Notice
Place: Harbor Links Golf Course - Port Washington, NY
Date: Tuesday - May 28, 2013
Cost: $125 for Members / $250 for Guests. Substitutes for members are permitted up to the total number of memberships owned by a CBIT participating institution.
- Brunch begins at 10:00 AM
- Annual Business Meeting will begin at 10:30 AM
- Shotgun start at approximately 12:15 PM
Our Annual Business Meeting is where budgets and committee reports are reviewed and officers for the new fiscal year are elected.
If you would like to attend this year's Spring Outing please register by clicking register button at the bottom of the page. The form will allow for you to list the players you want to be matched up with (maximum of 4 players including yourself). Please be sure to confirm that the other player will be attending and they know they are playing with you.
Have you renewed your CBIT Membership or thought about becoming a member? By renewing your membership or becoming a new member now, you will be able to attend our Annual Spring Meeting for half of the cost of our regular guest rate. Click here to learn more about the benefits CBIT membership has to offer!